Could not save new password. Can't create socket connection to tcp://localhost:2222

Hướng dẫn xử lý lỗi Could not save new password. Can't create socket connection to tcp://localhost:2222 trên RoundCube DirectAdmin

Mở file config


Cập nhật 2 thông số sau cho phù hợp với hệ thống của bạn

// DirectAdmin Driver options
// --------------------------
// The host which changes the password
// Use 'ssl://host' instead of 'tcp://host' when running DirectAdmin over SSL.
// The host can contain the following macros that will be expanded as follows:
//     %h is replaced with the imap host (from the session info)
//     %d is replaced with the domain part of the username (if the username is an email)
$rcmail_config['password_directadmin_host'] = 'tcp://localhost';
// TCP port used for DirectAdmin connections
$rcmail_config['password_directadmin_port'] = 2222;

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